Saturday, October 6, 2007


Hare Rama,

Hare Rama
Nature loves life beyond measure and continuously makes sacrifices to make life smile on the planet, but life rarely realizes it,

All resources of nature are meant for life, but it expects truthful use at its optimized pace, but man never understands it,

Indeed, love means sacrifice and nature ever sacrifices for life that with silent mode, but the man never realizes,

Nature ever tries to felicitate life at all levels including its inception till its conclusion, but life rarely realizes to feel obliged unto the subject.

One cannot repay the debts owed to nature in even millions of life by serving it but just through love, those who love nature not only win the love of nature but win the race of the ultimate destination of final beatitude.

Please love nature in true spirit to repay dues for being on the ride of life.

All beings belong to Nature, let them live in their truth of orbit,

Veganism is the need of the hour for men, men destroying rainforests to create cattle farming is against the spirit of being man,

The big beautiful and decent assets of nature in the form of trees are cut down to create animal farming, 

Even the areas facing scarcity of water, man is creating animal farms to produce meat which consumes huge water,

Each year hundreds of thousands of animals are slaughtered is cursed to mankind, man needs to realize before sunset,

Man is blessed with a faculty to feed all fellow beings in the spirit of goodness unfortunately men slaughter animals to feed their bellies and egos,

Man can meet his requirement for food from vegetables, they are simple to grow and comparatively most economical all the way and healthy too vide food value,

Man cannot afford to feed his belly by killing feeble mortals who just sustain on grass and water,

In fact, it is not to feed the belly but to feed wealth to nourish the ego, 

Killing and growing to kill is not just a sin, man has to address himself in that court hereafter,

Apart from it, the flesh of animals transmit many hidden diseases to meat eaters, which affects moral value adversely in addition to microscopic virus infections, 

Concentrations of uric acid in animal food could be a threat to meat eaters with varying health-related problems,

The body and digestive system of man are altogether different from the meat-eaten species, 

Millions of cows, goats, birds, sheep, and fish are killed to create meat for meat-eaters is indifferent to man in his inherent cult of being man,

Many aqua species have been extinguished in the deluded practice of the trade, and many animals are too facing extension due to the delusion of man in varying faces of life,

Ethical values of men are facing tough challenges from his deluded deeds,

Slaughterhouses are the biggest storehouse of negative energy, a curse to mankind in every aspect of life,

Killing helpless beings through mind games is more than a sin for both, those doing it and those promoting it, or the cause to do,

There are infinite ecological reasons that support being vegan in support of nature,

Deadliest Karmic baggage inflicted on those responsible for this carnage,

Know it for sure, What one sows the one reaps with the difference of time and occasion, 

The suffering animals bear in slaughterhouses is beyond words, man can never compensate for this deadliest act through any virtue,

Indulge in the process whatever the form, invite rebirth, but to serve the sentence, 

Those who cause killing in direct or indirect form have to repay dearly, at its first they are stripped of their spiritual assets,

True spiritual master at its first guide to be vegan and prevent self from being a cause to kill,

For any worship of God in God's form, it is desirable to be free from blood stains and screams of fellow beings irrespective of species, man needs to stop deadlines weight to his karmic baggage,

Those who kill the innocent creature are heartless evil-doers, like living corpses, the way they mercilessly kill the feeble mortal is a matter of concern for the embodied soul in the format of man,
Hare Rama